Thursday, 28 May 2020

More Problems With Data - #BCUHB North Wales.

One week ago, the interim CEO of Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board reported that between 200-300 Mental Health patients had been 'wrongly discharged'.

From the BBC -

Simon Dean, stated the decision was an "error that should not have occurred".

Who is responsible for making the decision to discharge nearly 1700 vulnerable people and how was it done ? Phone call ? Letter ?

Once again, the Board has failed  in its reporting of accurate information.

Today's, BBC article reveals more of the reality of the situation -

The true figure is 1,694.

 Rhun ap Iorwerth, MS for Ynys Môn, received a letter from the Board with the corrected figures.

Along with yet another apology from Simon Dean - 

"I would like to say how sorry I am for any distress that may have been caused."

Figures from the third sector Mental Health services, such as Mind Cymru and Hafal show a four fold increase in calls from patients seeking support. 
Support which many in North Wales report as non-existent or so poor to be of little use - for years.

Mental Health services encompass not only Health services but Social Care, too. Disability services may also be involved. Some patients may even require Safeguarding.

Why no statement from the Local Authorities's in North Wales concerning BCUHB's decision and the extra pressure that LA's would come under by nearly 1700 vulnerable people being discharged ?

What of the private Care Homes whose clients will include vulnerable people with Learning Difficulties or Acquired Brain Injury ? Have they been discharged ?

Figures for those who have died during this pandemic in these Care Homes must be made public ? 
Along with data for Care homes for the elderly.

Now it is usual in these circumstances that Board members resign.
No resignations should be accepted at this time.

What is needed is a public inquiry into the failings of the Board and the Senior Managers over the five years it has now been in special measures - lumbering the taxpayer with £60 Million of debt this year alone.

Where is the voice of those workers on the ground who know of the problems ?
Statements from the local Trade Unions would be very interesting.

#Unison #Unite