Monday, 11 July 2022

One Councillor Walked Out Of The Meeting - Cyngor Gwynedd Council.

Cyngor Gwynedd council held a hybrid Planning Committee on Monday, 4th July, 2022. The webcast can be found here -

The meeting has already attracted media attention -
'Gwynedd planners went against officers' recommendations to allow the development on Ffordd Capel Coch after hearing it was the "only way" a local woman could afford to continue living in the village'

That article can be found here -

The committee dealt with other applications.Those watching the live webcast in english were not able to hear the english speaking participants due to a sound failure. The failure does not occur in the Welsh version. One participant mentioned vested interests and a possible judicial review - but you have to listen to the Welsh version to hear her. 

Just under four minutes of the wecast in english are missing. It is not down to the sound failure(s)...

In a previous meeting, the long suffering Planning officer mentioned possible Government intervention due to decisions overturned by council members. Government can only investigate if a complaint is received. Anyone can make a complaint....

On Thursday, 7th July, the Care Scrutiny Committee held a meeting -
The agenda and link to the recorded meeting can be found here -

One agenda item was to appoint members to attend performance challenge monitoring meetings with senior heads of departments. Six were required - two each for Housing/Planning, Children and the Adults departments. Councillors were slow to put their names forward even with prompting from the new Chair - who is also a former Chair.
Five Councillors eventually came forward - all from the Plaid group....

The meeting was expected to pass the North Wales Market Stability Report that links with the Population Needs Assessment - has that been completed yet?. Officer's admitted the report was not perfect - yet a vote was asked for...
Just as happened with the Care Scrutiny Committee meeting held on 3rd February, 2022...
More here -

One Councillor said it took her three days to read cover to cover because it was all 'jumbled up'.
Another walked out of the meeting after complaining about the state of the paperwork presented...

In last weeks other meetings, one Councillor stated there was no interest from the public regarding the Employment Appeals meetings. Of course there is public interest but these meetings usually take place with the public and press removed. Why would the Councillor say this - at such a time?

One Councillor appeared to nod off during another meeting - this meeting was not webcast but held over Zoom where the public have to ask for the link to join 'live'. What happens to these Zoom meetings afterwards? The meetings are not available on the council's website - are they simply deleted?

Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council...