Monday, 3 July 2023

Anglesey Council - Delay in the preparation and publication of the draft accounts beyond 31 May 2023...

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The statement of accounts explains Isle of Anglesey County Council’s finances during the financial year and its financial position at the end of that year.

Further information about the accounts and budgets of the council is available from the Finance Service. You are welcome to send any comments or questions to the Finance Service.

Delay in the preparation and publication of the draft accounts beyond 31 May 2023

Regulation 10(1) of the Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014 (as amended) requires that the Responsible Financial Officer of the Isle of Anglesey County Council sign and date the draft Statement of Accounts of the Isle of Anglesey County Council and certify that it presents a true and fair view of the financial position at the end of the year to which it relates and of the council’s income and expenditure for that year.

The Regulations require that this be completed by 31 May each year.

However, the regulations make provision for local authorities having to delay preparing and publishing their annual financial accounts on the basis that a notice is published on the relevant council’s website to explain why the draft accounts have been delayed.

This notice is to inform Anglesey citizens and stakeholders that the council’s Statement of Accounts for 2022 to 2023 will be delayed.

Welsh Government’s expectations for the revised timescales for the preparation and publication of local authorities’ 2022 to 2023 Statement of Accounts are shown on this page. Welsh Government has recognised that 'following the pandemic and infrastructure assets (such as roads, footpaths, street lighting and street furniture), audit issues raised last year', there is an ongoing impact on local authority staff resources and there may be additional work to finalise the accounts this year. 

Welsh Government's suggested timetable

Draft Statement of Accounts

Statutory deadline: 31 May 2023

Extended deadline: 31 July 2023

Audited Statement of Accounts

Statutory deadline: 31 July 2023

Extended deadline: 31 December 2023

The Responsible Financial Officer has not signed and certified the draft accounts for the year ended 31 March 2023 by 31 May 2023.

This is due to the impact of the delayed completion and audit of the Statement of Accounts 2021 to 2022, as highlighted by Welsh Government.

In addition, more complex and additional work has led to a further delay, particularly in relation to increased agency arrangements, more joint working with other local authorities, increased capital accounting due to the progress of the sustainable communities for learning projects, such as the new school Ysgol Corn Hir in Llangefni, and the building of new council dwellings, as well as the purchase and refurbishment of houses to further increase the number of council houses.

The draft statement of accounts is also delayed awaiting CIPFA guidance in relation to the council’s unusual pension asset position, which also affects several other councils. The council will, therefore, work within Welsh Government’s extended deadlines. 

Marc Jones FCPFA
Director of Function (Resources) / Section 151 Officer
Isle of Anglesey County Council
Council Offices
LL77 7TW
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