Sunday, 10 September 2023

Cyngor Gwynedd - Misuse Of Public Vehicles Update...

Many people will remember the banner protesting cyngor Gwynedd officers misuse of council vehicles, in 2021. It was attached to the railings outside Morrisons supermarket in Caernarfon before being swiftly taken down by council officers...

A council spokesman said -  “We are aware that there are some instances where staff may not have adhered to this policy, and we are working with our trade union partners to address this matter and update our policy.

  The banner which had been unveiled in Caernarfon. In Welsh, the banner calls for "a stop to the misuse of council vehicles." 

The picture is from the article written by Gareth Wyn Williams, in 2021 -

On the 13th April, 2023, Dafydd Meurig, Cabinet Member for the Environment reported -

A letter and email was sent to officers who had the right to take vehicles home as part of their working terms, on 29/03/2023. The letter stated that the consultation period has ended and that no officer from the Waste and Recycling service is now exempt from the new policy - 'Use of Council vehicles for commuting'. In accordance with the procedure, a period of notice must be given to staff and the period of 90 days has started on 31/03/2023 and ends on 29/06/2023. So by the end of June the exercise of using the council's vehicle for journeys between home and work will come to an end.

Does this mean that officers continued to misuse the publicly funded vehicles for nearly two and a half years? Perhaps councillor Meurig could give an explanation for the long delay?

The public and local politicians may presume that this directive applies to all departments. Where cyngor Gwynedd is concerned nothing should be presumed...

Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council...