Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Cyngor Gwynedd Council - Education Problems...

Cyngor Gwynedd Education and Economy Scrutiny Committee met on the 14th September, 2023. The webcast can be found here -

SEND provision was discussed - or the lack of it. For those children with complex needs the committee was told that though medical cares and technologies have evolved to keep certain children alive they do bring extra pressures on the sector... 

Absences and exclusions from school was discussed - the figures are high...
Gwynedd council's exclusion officer blamed the pandemic and praised the schools for being open with the figures. The officer was asked twice before informing the highest number of exclusions are in the Arfon area.

The former inclusion officer tried to ensure an education for all - including those with complex needs, autism, behavioural issues et al. What is the problem with the Arfon schools? Has policy changed?

Why have these children been excluded? More importantly, what are they doing now?
The exclusion officer did comment that the youth clubs are to be 'reinvigorated'. Will these be the same youth services the council cut previously? 

The meeting is notable more for what was not discussed...

Garem Jackson, the Head of Education at cyngor Gwynedd, quit his post shortly after the meeting...

Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council...