Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Further Emails With A Cyngor #Gwynedd Councillor.

Reading through the correspondence with Gwynedd's Chair of the Audit and Governance committee in respect of the 'Independent' Investigation and the Ombudsman's Report is quite revealing.

Several emails were sent over some considerable time and during our correspondence he also CC'd others into the conversation when he replied to us.

 Mr Hughes was also made aware of other emails that we sent to the relevant services in our attempt to obtain the Independent Investigator's Report of our complaint.

Mr Hughes wrote to inform us he has asked relevant officers for all Reports.
Some time later Mr Hughes wrote to inform us he is still waiting for the Reports.

Now it is worrying that the legal department were taking so long to get all relevant documents/Reports to the Chair of the Audit committee - Mr Hughes was also Vice-Chair of Gwynedd Council's Care and Scrutiny Committee at the time.

On the 19th June 2018, confident that by now he would have received all the Reports, we asked Medwyn - again - to meet with ourselves and our local councillor to discuss the serious issues highlighted by the Independent Reports within Gwynedd Children and Family services.

R Medwyn Hughes did not reply and we never heard from him again.