Sunday, 20 February 2022

One Councillor Was Asleep - Cyngor Gwynedd Council.

On the 10th, February, 2022, Cyngor Gwynedd Audit and Governance Committee sat to discuss the Saint David's Day Celebration, the revenue budget review, savings schemes, the budget and Audit Wales reports.

The agenda pack - that includes the Audit Wales reports can be found here -

As in most meetings, the councillors had few questions for officer's and the presented data - the most significant challenges coming from Sharon Warnes, the lay member of the committee.

One councillor fell asleep during the meeting...

Part of the Audit Wales report highlighted that the council was developing a new 'performance arrangement framework'...but that communication with and training for councillors has not been effective enough. No kidding... .

The Audit Wales officer was asked for his opinion of scrutiny during the meeting - he just laughed...

The same officer presented the 2019 report to council where he had raised concerns with the provision of youth services - that old chestnut. It was not a meeting the officer would have enjoyed. More on that here -

Remembering that, the officer may have been thankful to be attending via Zoom rather than in the council chamber, but councillors were still heard to make remarks...

The recording of the 10th, February, 2022, Audit and Governance Committee meeting should be found on the council's website some time soon -

Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council...