Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Cyngor Gwynedd Council - Another Cabinet Member Avoids Scrutiny...

Cyngor Gwynedd council held a Care Scrutiny Committee on the 1st February 2024. Once again, the english webcast is not working making a mockery of the council's claim to have a bilingual service.

Gwynedd's Housing Plan was discussed. It was meant to be presented by Craig ab Iago, the Cabinet member for Housing. The member had sent his apologies saying that he would try and attend the meeting later - this did not happen. 

The agena pack (with minutes of the last meeting) and details of the Housing Plan can be found here -

At the end of the meeting, the chair of the committee, Beth Lawton, expressed her disappointment with the member for failing to attend. A housing officer did try and explain the circumstances surrounding the member's absence, but the chair dismissed the officer's protestations. 

The behaviour of the chair is odd considering the care scrutiny committee have failed to hold cabinet members to account for the bad behaviour towards the county's disabled and autistics in particular -  culminating in several PSOW rulings against Gwynedd SS departments.

Cabinet members Beca Brown, Nia Jeffreys and now Craig ab Iago have all missed recent scrutiny committee meetings...

This was a long day for the committee with a briefing session held before the public meeting and then an informal meeting held behind closed doors after the webcast concluded.

In other news, the Governance and Audit Committee meet on the 8th February. Gwynedd council do not usually webcast these meetings but this one will be webcast and should be found here -

Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council...