Thursday 3 October 2024

Cyngor Gwynedd Council - Rumours Of Organisational Corruption...?

After 5 years of not presenting any social services complaints handling report to cyngor Gwynedd council's care scrutiny committee, the SS departments now drop two in a matter of months...

The children's annual report does not contain an update on the historic complaint mentioned in the 2022/23 report, presented earlier this year. Is this because of the action being taken against the council with regard to Neil Foden? Or does it concern Canolfan Brynffynnon?

A reminder that the council received a report into the pru case just as the former director of SS quit the council.

The 2023/24 complaints report is authored by Marian Parry Hughes – Head of Children and Supporting Families Department and Aled Davies – Head of Adults, Health and Well-being Department. It is defensive and gives little detail to the nature of the complaints.
An example -

Not one councillor asked about this...

Pre pandemic, there was maladministration in the council's dealings with disabled people and their families - on several occasions. The complaints handling officers came in for much criticism during some investigations...

Past complainants have spoken of being gaslit and smeared by officers when raising a complaint and that senior officers created a false narrative and colluded in cover up when challenged. 

The heads of service continue to blame people...

'Rumours of organisational corruption..?'

Deny, attack, reverse victim/offender...

The heads of service also mention -

Fact check...?
The heads of service know better than anyone that the Ombudsman granted Gwynedd council 'variances' to PSOW recommendations after investigations had ended.

After its dealings with cyngor Gwynedd, the PSOW now requires robust evidence of compliance before signing off and closing cases. So has the PSOW closed the case and which one are the officers referring to? There are several...

Investigations often uncover issues with law, policies and behaviours and the recommendations for improvement are meant to rectify failings. 

Why the PSOW allowed the CEO to water down these improvements is not known...

For what its worth, the report can be found in the agenda pack here -

The webcast of the care scrutiny committee held on Thursday, 26th September, 2024 -

Something is so very wrong within Gwynedd council...