Wednesday, 14 April 2021

Did Cyngor Gwynedd Council Senior Officer's Mislead A Care Scrutiny Committee ?

At a Cyngor Gwynedd council Care Scrutiny Committee meeting of November 14th, 2019, the senior Complaints manager, Dafydd Paul, told Councillors that the Ombudsman for Wales -

"given them a further challenge, to make sure that someone goes to see the family, meet the family, ensure that they receive that assessement and that is something that we have now arranged with the adult services, to go into that situation on the Ombudsman's behalf, despite the fact that they have not expressed a wish to receive the service, our usual ethos involves intervention but only if the person invites us in and wishes for us to intervene in this way, the Ombudsman has judged this and wants us to go no matter what the wish of the individual may be, so that is now our response to that challenge provided by the Ombudsman." (translated)

The assessment mentioned would have been the third assessment undertaken by the council in three years - the previous two were called out by the family as 'fake' and predetermined ie set up to fail.

Confirmation was asked from Mr Dafydd Paul, or failing that the CEO, Dilwyn Williams, himself, that what was stated to the Care Scrutiny Committee was in fact true. The officer's did not reply.


So the Ombudsman for Wales office was contacted. 


After viewing the council's webcast, one senior Investigator confirmed the words spoken by the officer's were not correct but could not speak for the Ombudsman himself.

Nick Bennett was then approached for comment - he too denied the words of the senior officer's....

Something is very wrong within Gwynedd council. 
