On Thursday, 17th February, 2022, Cyngor Gwynedd council held a Democracy Services Committee meeting. The agenda can be found here -
There was an update on the May elections, an update on hybrid meetings, a diversity in democracy report, a Democratic Services team performance report, and the increase in salaries for Councillors were all discussed. After each report, a vote was called for and each one passed...
councillor was present but not really present. He had taken the laptop
into what looked like his workshop for the Zoom meeting and spent most of it pottering around away from the screen. He was shouted at to
get his attention and asked how he was voting on the first report - he voted to accept. He then returned to his project and took little part in the rest of proceedings.
Regarding the increase of salaries to councillors only one councillor objected and voted against. She thought it disgusting with the cost of living crisis
now hitting residents hard. It was explained that this was the
recommendation from a renumeration panel...
Democratic services raised the following in one report -

This is the experience of the Deiniol Ward Councillor, who has decided not to stand again in the May elections. He was very clear in an article published by the Bangor Aye -
“The largest part of the
decision not to stand probably comes from the boundary changes. For
those who don’t know, several new ‘mega-wards’ have been created in
Bangor which only take account of the small number of registered voters,
but take no account of the amount of businesses, infrastructure and
10,000 students population (plus most of the university campus) which
fall in the new ward.".
He continued -
“It’s also been a strange 5 years in the
world of electoral politics, which I must admit was never my natural
home. Elections – whether local or national – don’t change things much
because the institutions we get elected to are tied into far too many
patterns and systems that are designed to halt real change whilst
keeping the money and the real power in the hands of a very small number
of self-serving and corrupted people".
The article can be found here -
The Democracy Services Committee meeting should be available on the council's website for public viewing sometime soon - https://gwynedd.public-i.tv/core/portal/home